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Escape mobility Escape-Chair® Escape-Carry Chair® Escape-Mattress® Escape-Sheet®
Specialist in evacuation equipment.
Escape Chair

An Escape-Chair® is an indispensable solution for the transport of persons over stairs in the event of a calamity. The easy to operate Escape-Chair® is ready for use within a few seconds and allows a person to be transported over the steps of a flight of stairs. 

Escape Mattress

The Escape-Mattress® is an evacuation solution, of which people with mobility problems can be moved in a horizontal position, to a safe location.

The Escape-Mattress® is produced in different models, to provide a solution to your specific situation.

Escape Sheet

People who aren’t able to leave their bed independently need to be evacuated using evacuation equipment. One of these aids is the Escape-Sheet®. A mattress with an Escape-Sheet® underneath can be transformed very quickly into an evacuation mattress.

Since 1987 the Escape Mobility Company produces high quality evacuation equipment, like the Escape-Chair®, Escape-Carry Chair® and Escape-Mattress®

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